Shamanic Healing

Reconnect with the Earth, with your heart, and the love and light within you. 
Shamanic Energy Medicine uses the power of the Earth, the Elements, and Spirit to bring holistic healing to mind, body and soul.

Shamanic Energy Medicine

Beyond our physical body each of us has an energy field. This has been proven by science. But what we don’t always realize is that our energy field informs our overall health.
As traumas and life events unfold, imprints and negative energies can become stuck in that field. The practices of energy medicine clear and heal the energy field, and then fill that field with the light and support of the Universe to help you walk into a place of full health. Since the energetic body is connected with the physical and emotional body, removing energy blockages can also inform the rest of the body, restoring health, balance, and harmony.
Erin is a certified master energy medicine practitioner with the Four Winds Institute. These shamanic techniques combine the ancient wisdom and traditions of the shamans of the Andes with modern neuroscience. Weaving together Science and Spirit, energy healing removes the imprints of old stories, traumas, and feelings that are not serving you, bringing light and illumination back to the energy body. This allows you to step into your new story; the one where you are the author, and where you can unlock your highest potential.
Using her intuitive nature and calling on my lineage and Spirit, Erin finds the best energy medicine techniques for you that day. Techniques may include illuminations, divination, energy extractions, and soul retrievals. Other practices and ceremonies could include working on ancestral traumas through ancestral constellations, rites of passage, end-of-life ceremonies, and creating Ayni despachos to bring your life back into right relationship with the Earth.
Holding sacred space for clients, Erin acts as a ‘hollow bone’, allowing the universe to provide love, healing and support to help transform our old stories into new ones. She walks with you on your journey of healing and transformation, to help you re-discover the miracle that is you.

Shamanic Energy Healing Session

Erin offers in-person sessions at her home studio in Wheat Ridge, Colorado and online sessions via zoom. Energy work is quite effective remotely. Some of the most profound healings have been done remotely!
Cost: $111 for an approximately one hour session


Frequently Asked Questions about Energy Healing Sessions

How long is a session and what happens in a session?

A healing session is about an hour. It starts off with some discussion and intention setting, the actual energy healing session, and a wrap-up to talk about your experience, and perhaps set some homework to integrate the experience. These sessions are highly intuitive and led by Spirit in sacred space.  No two sessions will ever be quite the same.
After a session, give yourself time and space to relax and integrate. Drink lots of water and eat simple foods that evening. 

What will I feel like after a session?

Most people report feeling lighter, as if a weight has been taken off of them. Some feel tired the evening after and sleep very deeply that night. This is because of the energy release! You don’t realize how much you’ve been holding onto until you actually let it go! If you have any questions about the effects or what the experience is like, please reach out to discuss.

Energy healing – Is this like Reiki?

Reiki is a healing modality based on Japanese techniques and centered around balancing and clearing the chakra system. The shamanic energy medicine I practice is based on Peruvian techniques. It also clears and balances the chakras, but these techniques tend to go a little deeper into the realms of the subconscious to clear past traumas or to tap into future potentials. In the sacred space of healing,  this medicine may heal and release past lives, childhood memories, or emotional traumas, transforming that pain into love and light. It may retrieve lost parts of your soul, allow you to feel whole again. Every healing is unique and part of an intuitive process closely tied to Spirit’s guidance.

How do these alternative healing methods compare to Western Medicine?

Alternative healing methods are not a replacement for Western medicine or psychotherapy though they can be as effective as both in certain cases. Western medicine could be called disease and symptom management, while energy healing looks to find the root cause. It looks to find the imbalance within the body, and in healing that, the body can then manifest health and wellness. 

How often do you recommend having a session?

I recommend that a client gives time for each session to integrate, usually 4 weeks between a session. How many sessions might you need to work through your particular challenges? Typically I find significant results after 2-4 sessions. I also have many clients who enjoy 1 session every six months or so, when things are getting stressful, or they have a big change in their life. It is a lovely ‘tune-up’ when life has started to get you unbalanced.

Other Shamanic Offerings

Ceremonies and Events

Erin holds various shamanic ceremonies to honor Mother Earth and Father Sky. The most popular is a Full Moon Fire Ceremony, an ancient tradition of celebrating the full moon by gathering around a fire, connecting with the Earth, and letting go of the things that don’t serve us by offering a stick or ‘death arrow’ into the fire. Together we build a community of healing while reconnecting with the Earth and its cycles. In the summer ceremonies are offered at her studio in Wheat Ridge, in the winter they are offered by Zoom. To get the latest on events and dates subscribe to the newsletter or contact for more info.

Contact for Dates

End of Life Rites

The Great Death Rites of the Shamans are the most profound gifts of this energy healing medicine. These rites bring release, love and healing to the transition at the end of life. To be able to leave this world with consciousness, love and without regrets is the greatest gift that we can give our loved ones and ourselves.
I have witnessed the power of these rites, and it is a feeling of lightness and returning home when the spirit travels to the Light. These rites are a guide to help a person die consciously so their soul can travel with ‘eyes wide open’ to the place of their becoming.
The rites involve letting go of the energies of the past, the regrets, the I’m sorry’s, and the please forgive me’s, so that we are as light as possible when we leave the body. Then through ceremony and certain rites, the spirit is released from the body, to travel to the place beyond.
The process is deeply moving, and full of love and compassion. If you or someone you love is in this position in your life and you’d like to talk further, please contact me. It would be my greatest honor to help you and your loved ones through this time.
Cost: These services are donation based.

Contact to Discuss

Life Changes

We go through many big changes and transitions in our lives, and our society often does not give them the support that they need. Whether it’s birth, death, divorce, a new job, an unexpected trauma, or when your children leave the house, big moments cause big changes in how we identify with ourselves and the world around us.
Erin offers several shamanic techniques to support you in these changes.
Rites of passage ceremonies when you are shifting from one part of your life to another – from child to adult, from parent to empty-nester, from married to divorced.
House clearings – if you’ve moved into a new house or need to clear some heavy energy.
Ayni Despachos or Prayer Bundles – to bring your life back into balance and right relationship with the Earth and bring love and blessings for yourself and the Earth.
If you’re going through a challenging time, she is here to support you along the way.
Cost Varies.


Client Testimonials


“During my first session with Erin, I was suffering from fibromyalgia pain and had just increased the dosage of my opioid painkiller. After my second session a month later, the pain was gone, and I was able to decrease my dosage twice since then (6 months later) without return of the pain! On my last session, I was facing a difficult decision about whether to move back to my country of origin, after having lived in the US for over 40 years. The session with Erin supported my decision to move and gave me additional clarity related to my choice. I am grateful to her for the work that she did with me, and feel stronger about following the path in life that I have chosen for my future.”


“Erin’s presence is very calming and light. She creates the space for healing to occur, allowing your own body’s wisdom to lead the way, as she facilitates. If you need an accessible, down-to-earth and knowledgeable healer, give Erin a call.”


“During my first session with Erin, I was suffering from fibromyalgia pain and had just increased the dosage of my opioid painkiller. After my second session a month later, the pain was gone, and I was able to decrease my dosage twice since then (6 months later) without return of the pain! On my last session, I was facing a difficult decision about whether to move back to my country of origin, after having lived in the US for over 40 years. The session with Erin supported my decision to move and gave me additional clarity related to my choice. I am grateful to her for the work that she did with me, and feel stronger about following the path in life that I have chosen for my future.”


“Energy healing with Erin was an amazing experience. Entering my session I was tense, heavy, exhausted and overly stimulated by my brain “ticker.” My usual grounding exercises were not working well. Erin created a peaceful, kind, and non-judgemental space. I felt my emotions release and leave my body during the session. The energy healing was just what I needed to reset and reinvigorate, not just in the moments after but for many days.”

Meet Erin Lucero

Erin describes herself as a big ball of love wrapped up in planning and organizational skills. A licensed architect, Erin spent more than 20 years creating spaces and buildings to improve people’s lives before she shifted to creating spaces of community and love through writing, yoga, and the healing practices of shamanism. She’s a lifelong student of yoga, shamanism, and other spiritual modalities and feels they all share a universal message of connection. Her passion is to help others feel that connection with themselves, each other, and the Earth. To find our spark within, so we can all shine out in love and light.